
When one door closes, another door opens.

Imperfection is beauty and madness is genius.

There’s a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.

These are the nit-quick cliches that our twenty-first century generation has been built on. Oftentimes, stark detail is overlooked as being normality and bland intermissions are viewed as the work of God. We want the quick version, the cliff notes, the text, the memo, the main idea of the lesson as opposed to the actual lesson itself. We know the quote of the passage, but not its lesson. And we are okay with that.

As par our democracy, freedom of speech is the root of America. I am no Mark Twain nor an Oscar Wilde, just an underrated writer combing overrated opinion topics with our tech savvy generation. I even kept it quick by choosing the site that comes in app form. I try to be controversial when I can and avoid overused epigrams of other authors. However, I can’t promise that you will always agree with me.


As Tolkien has said, not all that glitters is gold.


Collins Avery

C. A.

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